Sunday, May 24, 2009
Milk it for what it is worth
I went on my long cross country flight on Friday, May 22. My route began at Manassas, leaving through Fluky towards Cumberland, Maryland. From Cumberland, I flew down to Luray and then back to Manassas.
The cross country flight represents a balance between meeting the 14 CFR 61 requirement, learning new things and enjoying the benefits of flight. My plan was to make every penny spent on this excursion have significant value. I flew to airports that I had not visited, while not venturing too far from Manassas. I wanted to meet new people and have a complete experience. Looking back, my plan worked out perfectly. It was the people that I met on this trip, not educational elements, that made this trip memorable.
Starting with the perhaps the more boring elements of the trip, lets look at the flying challenges. These airports embody the challenge of a cross country flight, crossing over mountains and confusing terrain. These airports are much smaller than others that I had visited. Luray has a small runway (3125 x 75 ft) with trees on the south end and does not have any lighting such as a PAPI or VASI. Cumberland's runway is about two thousand feet longer than Luray, but the airport is nestled up against mountains in a small canyon and the runway is on a little hill. As I approach Cumberland, I recall the runway rising to meet me. Cumberland has a PAPI and I was on the glide slope during the approach.
I flew on a warm day, around 25 degrees Celsius. That made it a bit more fun, as I had to take off and land on a shorter runway with a higher density altitude. I did not worry about landing. The Cessna 172 that I fly has 40 degrees of flaps, if needed. I can put the plane on the numbers and stop within 150 feet. Takeoff is different story. I did not have any trouble. I just had a pause as I stared down Luray's runway 4 at the trees on the other end. I pushed in the throttle, held the brakes firm and prepared for the take-off. I was off within 1000 feet without issue.
Navigation was fun. My plan was to head to Airlie from Manassas and then up to Cumberland. This put me clear of the SFRA and the lower ceilings of class B. I missed Airlie and then started my trek about 10 miles to the west. This means that I will arrive south of Cumberland without correction. Guess what! The wind correction was off and I arrived about 5 miles south of Cumberland. I had much better success with Luray, except that the NDB I used as a guide was not giving accurate readings on the ADF. I had to ignore it. I could not even hear the station identifier clearly, so it was not usable. At one point, I used a VOR to verify my position. I had dialed the frequency incorrectly. If I had to not verified the station identifier, I would have been a bit confused. Coming back into Manassas is fairly easy. I get a bit agitated as I near the SFRA. I often just turn off my course and head to Warrenton. I know the route and distance from Warrenton well and I can provide Potomac Approach with an accurate identifiable position.
That sums up most of the educational elements of the trip. I found the cynical pilot sitting on the bench watching traffic at Cumberland amusing. He questioned my right pattern approach to runway 23. My answer: It is an uncontrolled airport, I wanted to stay clear of the power plant and the hospital, I wanted to assess the runways before landing, I announced my intentions during the approach and landing, and there were no planes in the area at the time. No problems that I can see.
In Cumberland, after chatting with the cynical pilot for a bit, I was ready to search for a snack. At the same moment, a couple from Cleveland were on a similar pursuit. Mark and Yvonne, a professional pilot and a professional photographer, graciously invited me to join them. I rarely ever turn down an opportunity to meet new people. This was perfect. Mark and Yvonne were finishing a days worth of aerial photographer, ready eat and then return to Cleveland. We had a wonderful time trading stories (not all pilot related). Though Mark's fish dinner was forgettable, I hope the occasion was memorable for them. I snapped a picture of them, decked out in their nice polo shirts with their company logo (as Mark is pointing out in the picture). Check out their website: Focal Plane . I am sure they would love visitors. Yvonne snapped a picture of me in front the Cumberland terminal. Thanks again Yvonne!
In Luray, I met an old friend of Geoff Petterson, the owner of the plane I fly, named Kenneth Painter. Ken recognized the plane immediately. We chatted for a bit and then were distracted as state trooper, enjoying his one holiday week-end off in the year, came in to show us the sophisticated control for his radio-controlled nitro-fueled helicopter. It is a nifty device. After a bit of stalling, I decided to get off and return to Manassas. Thanks to the Ken for his hospitality. I will return there again, with friends!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Touch and Gos
I see people do touch and gos all the time. My instructor always has me do full stop landings. I was not sure if that was policy, insurance or wisdom, but I listened. The other day, by myself, I decided to do one touch a go. This was not some sneaky attempt. I really felt that I should practice this maneuver. Why? Well, I had it in my head that perhaps it is maneuver that could be used to get off the runway quick while still having sufficient speed when, lets say, a deer or another plane meanders onto the runway. I discovered touch and gos just do not work well in that setting. In a small plane like the Cessna 172, it is easier and safer to just stop in a hurry. There is less danger smashing into a deer while slowing down on a runway then pulling out of ground effect too soon and stalling 50 feet above the runway. So, that will be my last touch go for a while.
At the same time, I heard a pilot announce that he is coming into airport area to land from the South. I was taking off to the South, but my intention was to North. I had already announced this earlier, but he must not have heard me. I kept heading south a little longer and got above pattern height before beginning my turn. I still did not see him. As a reached 90 degrees into my turn, I saw the other plane. It was a large turbo prop or small ject (probably a Citation but it had a Canard look to it) also turning parrellel to the runway. The pilot had announced he was entering downwind. I was not sure if the plane I saw was associated with the call, . It was downwind, but high and another mile out. The pilot must have noticed me or heard my call when I began my turn, so he inquired about my intentions. I told him I was on a downwind leg at two thousand and heading North. I made sure he new I was a Skyhawk. I also stated that I had him in sight. He sped way ahead of me, looped in front of me and did a long final (suitable for a much faster plane).
There was little danger in this situation. Thinking back, I wish I had waited 20 seconds more before turning to the North. Had he been a slow plane closer into the airport, this could have been a more dangerous situation. Proper communication in this situation was critical.
At the same time, I heard a pilot announce that he is coming into airport area to land from the South. I was taking off to the South, but my intention was to North. I had already announced this earlier, but he must not have heard me. I kept heading south a little longer and got above pattern height before beginning my turn. I still did not see him. As a reached 90 degrees into my turn, I saw the other plane. It was a large turbo prop or small ject (probably a Citation but it had a Canard look to it) also turning parrellel to the runway. The pilot had announced he was entering downwind. I was not sure if the plane I saw was associated with the call, . It was downwind, but high and another mile out. The pilot must have noticed me or heard my call when I began my turn, so he inquired about my intentions. I told him I was on a downwind leg at two thousand and heading North. I made sure he new I was a Skyhawk. I also stated that I had him in sight. He sped way ahead of me, looped in front of me and did a long final (suitable for a much faster plane).
There was little danger in this situation. Thinking back, I wish I had waited 20 seconds more before turning to the North. Had he been a slow plane closer into the airport, this could have been a more dangerous situation. Proper communication in this situation was critical.
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Death of Commercial Airlines
In Pilots’ Lives Defy Glamorous Stereotype author David M. Halbfinger writes
If I may make a prediction. The airline industry is on borrowed time. Rail is coming back and going to rescue the transportation industry. Flying will be reserved for the wealthy. Smaller FBOs with fleets of smaller turbo props and light jets will recover and thrive in the failing commercial market.
Suggestions? Yeh. Control fuel costs. Drop them in half and watch the industry bounce back in a big way. And, once that occurs, then make industry INVEST in more pilots, less hours, and better benefits. Make them do it through CULTURE and PRESSURE. Make the penalties for failure bigger. The bottom line, start with fuel but do not end there.
The National Transportation Safety Board’s inquiry into the Feb. 12 crash of Continental Connection Flight 3407 outside Buffalo has highlighted the operations of the nation’s regional airlines, a sector of the aviation industry that has grown to account for half the country’s airline flights and a quarter of its passengers.
The details of that world have surprised many Americans — the strikingly low pay for new pilots; the rigors of flying multiple flights, at lower altitudes and thus often in worse weather than pilots on longer routes, while scrambling to get enough sleep; the relative inexperience of pilots at the smaller airlines, whose training standards are the same, but whose skills may not be.
Well, I can believe it. The commercial airline industry has been struggling to hold down costs for a long time now. Guess what? It is reaching a breaking point. Costs must go up to support the airport fees, maintenance fees, fuel, and the salaries and benefits of all those involved in the commerical workflow, including ground crews and air traffic control. The improvements in efficiency has reached a local maximum. It is going to require big changes in technology and processes to make the next leap into driving down costs. The industry does not have the resources to make such a leap. Costs must rise or something drastic must occur.If I may make a prediction. The airline industry is on borrowed time. Rail is coming back and going to rescue the transportation industry. Flying will be reserved for the wealthy. Smaller FBOs with fleets of smaller turbo props and light jets will recover and thrive in the failing commercial market.
Suggestions? Yeh. Control fuel costs. Drop them in half and watch the industry bounce back in a big way. And, once that occurs, then make industry INVEST in more pilots, less hours, and better benefits. Make them do it through CULTURE and PRESSURE. Make the penalties for failure bigger. The bottom line, start with fuel but do not end there.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Ready for the Big ONE
I went on my last 50 plus nautical mile cross-country today. I decided to return to Shenandoah. It is a short trip over the mountains. I just love passing Old Rag. I passsed it from both sides--south side on the trip out and north side on the trip back to Manassas.
As for learning, the trip was routine. The only hiccup, which I remedied before it became an issue, is the ADIZ flight plan. The FSS filer was 'new' to the procedure and had me taking off and landing at Fluky. Funny. For those who do not know, Flucky is a virtual gate into the Washington DC SFRA. I got a little confused with the VOR coming back. I just did not have the radial picture in my head. I followed a 250 radial FROM the station on the way out to Shenadoah. A little math, the radial back should be 70 TO the station.
My last landing at Manassas stunk. The wind picked me up so I had to add some power. I settled gently to the runway at about 10 feet from the center line. Woops.
So, with the second cross country complete, it is time to plan for the big 150 plus trip. I have not decided where to go. It depends on the the weather. I have alternate plans for EACH direction from Manassas. This includes to the east of Manassas, which I will avoid if any of the restricted areas become active. I would love to head out to Rehoboth Beach in Delaware.
Below are some pictures from today's excursion. The observer should notice that the clouds are really close. At one point, I was at the same elevation during my mountain passage. I had to pay close attention to avoid the clouds, per regulations. These clouds are small and harmless, but there is no need for me to pass through them. I managed to snap a picture of a friendly passer-by.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
It has not been that long
I flew two times since my last post, doing pattern work. The first of the two session was just plain bad. I was hot, uncomfortable and impatient, as the airport was busy and the temperature was pushing 92 degrees Fahrenheit. Yesterday was much better. I controlled my speed, did not have ANY bounces. All landings were soft and short. The short-field take offs were smooth and controlled. There was no wind and the air was comfortable. I practically had runway 16R to myself.
My next flight should be to Shenandoah. After that, I need to tackle night flights and finish up the instrument training. Stay tuned.
My latest aggravations in the air industry:
* Piper Aircraft sold to Imprimus, stationed in Bangkok, Singapore. Just piss away another American company. At least there is promise in the American made Lopresti Fury as the king of Sportsters for planes.
* User Fees, User Fees, User Fees. Obama supports User Fees. If the cost flying is not enough. Sure, they are post-poned for possible introduction in 2011. But, a footnote...geezzzz, thats low. Uggh, politicians and their little foot notes! It is a method of creating a paper trail indicating that either the political pressures to make a firm decision now are not strong enough in any direction or politicians want a back door to their typical mistakes.
My next flight should be to Shenandoah. After that, I need to tackle night flights and finish up the instrument training. Stay tuned.
My latest aggravations in the air industry:
* Piper Aircraft sold to Imprimus, stationed in Bangkok, Singapore. Just piss away another American company. At least there is promise in the American made Lopresti Fury as the king of Sportsters for planes.
* User Fees, User Fees, User Fees. Obama supports User Fees. If the cost flying is not enough. Sure, they are post-poned for possible introduction in 2011. But, a footnote...geezzzz, thats low. Uggh, politicians and their little foot notes! It is a method of creating a paper trail indicating that either the political pressures to make a firm decision now are not strong enough in any direction or politicians want a back door to their typical mistakes.
crosswind landing,
pattern work,
student pilot
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