Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Commercial Pilot Performance Considerations

I started working towards my commercial ticket.  Naturally, every time I fly, I build hours towards the 250 minimum.  Like private and instrument pursuits, the initial declaration of intent followed by a concrete plan helps focus on the goal.    I plan on completing all cross-country requirements by the end of this year.

The critical elements of the commercial certification include complete understanding of aircraft systems and proficiency in aircraft control, maximizing performance.  As part of meeting first goal, I have am fortunate to be flying the Diamond DA 40.  It may not have a retractable landing gear, but there is plenty of opportunity to understand power and efficiency with respect to controllable pitch prop and engine.   The second goal is met through a series of maneuvers, including chandelles and the 180 degree power-off landing. 

The rest of this entry focuses on performance.  I put all this together from my first flight applicable to the twenty hours of dual flight commercial requirements.  The flight consisted of a two hour minimum VFR cross country flight to an airport greater than 100 NM straight line distance from the departing airport.  I chose to fly down to Lynchburg, then to Greenbriar (WV) for the local eatery’s famous pulled-pork sandwich and then back to Leesburg.    All my long flights as of late have been IFR.  The VFR flight was a joy and I picked a great day to do it.

Although the flight discussions included review of flight planning (NOTAMs, weather, runways, fuel management, weight and balance), much of the time was spent discussing performance.    I was reminded how critical weight and fuel planning go hand in hand.  All airline pilots KNOW landing weight, with consideration for fuel burn.  Landing weight allows the pilots to optimally choose the slowest approach and landing speed.  Recall that higher weight raises the stall speed and requires a faster approach.  A faster approach means a longer landing roll.    Comparing this landing roll to runway distance requirements is critical to prevent over-runs and failure to comply with LAHSOs.   Talking with Mooney pilots, I began realize how critical weight calculations are to their every-day operation.   Mooneys have a bad reputation with newly minted private pilots.  Why?  Basically, they are not as forgiving of improper weight/speed management.  Of the two Mooney pilots I know, they both have handy little weight/approach speed ratio charts.  They watch and record fuel flow regularly through the flight and ‘double’ check indicated fuel with expected fuel (roughly fuel flow per time * time elapsed).  

I am leaving out consideration of wind speed and temperature since the calculation determines indicated air speed.  Ground speed and true air speed factor in the landing roll distance calculations, as provided in any POH.  Higher temperatures result in higher true air speed and ground speed (not indicated air speed).  Wind does the reverse.   As a private pilot, these calculations are typically done in pre-flight.  A private pilot is not usually tested on calculation updates while flying.  However, from what I gather from hanger talk, air transport pilots use flight computers to due the math as part of the landing checklist.

Engine Performance

The new engine in the Diamond presented a good opportunity to learn about the systems.    The first 50 hours of a new 180 HP engine is critical break-in period.   Most of the running time is at 75% power (135 HP) for longer durations.   It is not the time to do pattern work!   One of the interesting challenges has been diagnosing a 60 degree  (F) spread in cylinder head temperatures between the four cylinders.   This maybe more common with normally aspirated carbureted engines.  Prior to the engine replacement, the spread was closer to 30 degrees in the fuel injected Lycoming IO-360.  Cylinder one has been running hot.   Running 100 degrees rich of peak (ROP) has resulted in higher fuel burn and considerably cooler cylinders two, three, and four.   Even leaning and enriching slowly to allow the temperatures to stabilize after each adjustment has yielded the same consistent results.    A big spread indicates that the cylinders are not supplying the same amount of power.  Such an in-balance may result in roughness.  

What could be causing cylinder one to run hot.  A couple of ideas include
(1)  Fuel intake port nozzle issue resulting in less fuel being injected into the cylinder one thus making the hot cylinder leaner than the rest.
(2) An air flow irregularity used the injector to regulate fuel force (the fuel pressure differential)
(3) Baffling and cowl airflow inconsistencies resulting inconsistent cooling.

Since the engine has been running smoothly and playing with nozzle inspection did not yield any identifiable issues, idea number three seems likely.  The POH is the guide to achieving 75% power.    A standard atmospheric temperature, the Diamond runs 75% power at 500 feet with 24.1 inches of manifold pressure and 2400 prop RPM. Over 6000, the 75% power is not achievable according to the POH.  For example, at 8000 feet with full throttle (which is where I keep it), the manifold pressure is under 24 inches (closer to 22) and the fuel flow is roughly 9.8 GPH. 

Empirical studies demonstrate operations at either LOP or ROP with the IO-360 results in lower cylinder head temperatures.  In fact, the graph of CHT with respect to Fuel Flow looks like a mountain with the peak at peak EGT (and CHT).     Next time I fly up, I may try a LOP operation of cylinder one.  What I expect to see is that one of the other three cylinders SHOULD get hotter, as it would be closer to the peak EGT.  If this is the case, then perhaps ideas 1 or 2 are applicable.

As a commercial student, knowledge of turbo-charged engines seems appropriate, although not required.   I will not be working with a turbo-charged engine at anytime in my commercial training.  Turbo-charged engines require close monitoring of engine temperature.  Lycoming TIO-360 engine turbine inlet temperature (TIT) should not exceed 1650 degrees Fahrenheit.   Turbochargers use exhaust gases to propel a turbine to compress and pressurize air flowing into the manifold. In some engines, automatic control of exhaust gas into the charger allows the pilot to following similar guidelines to RPM and mixture control as with non-turbo charged engines.  The only change is diverted focus on TIT instead of EGT.   Other systems use a manual waste gate control to control to diversion of exhaust gas into turbocharger inlet.     A closed waste gate at low altitude can push manifold pressure to unsafe levels.  Thus, monitoring manifold pressure is a critical component of these ‘manual’ systems.  Automatic waste gate systems are typically controlled by oil pressure.    Oil pressure opposes a spring to close the waste gate, increasing intake pressure.    As expected, an increase in throttle increases oil pressure, thus closing the gate, resulting in MORE power.  A pressure relief valve protects the system of over boosting.  With automatic oil driven systems, the engines must be sufficiently warmed up prior to full power application in order to guarantee adequate pressure for full power.  I have heard of other types of pressure regulated chargers applying some sort differential pressure system with manifold and exhaust pressures.   The two pressures run hand in hand.  Lower manifold pressures indirectly affects the exhaust pressures, causing turbo charger adjustments.  The end result is a perpetual fluctuation, which is inefficient, causes frequent temperature changes and occupies pilots attention.

My next flight is a 2 hour night VFR flight.  I enjoy flying at night.  I went out for a quick flight the other night to work on holds and approaches.  In the fall, the cool air is smooth.   I started to work on the chandelle maneuver.  My first observation is that the speed drops off very quickly. However, optimal altitude gain is not achieved unless continuous increase of back pressure is applied.  I stopped short before continuing back pressure. When I completed the turn, I still had 10 to 15 knots of useable speed. 

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